Looking at me appearing silent for quite sometime, Miss Glitter asked me questions in the bottoms up way; “
Oh, I forgot to ask your name”, I said “
It’s Webbee” and I tried to stretch my lips for a smile. Ruby asked: “
So tell me something about yourself, like your friends, favorite color, where is your home?” I thought rather than thinking of how I would be gulped down someone’s mouth, its better for me to mark my presence on this planet in some or the other way, simplest way at this time was by telling my name and identity. So I started, “
I live in a colony, in the south-west of the forest, near the huge waterfalls, which shimmers in the bright sunlight; well, about my family they call my mommy as the Queen bee” I said with a proud smile. “
I have many friends and today I was with Debbee, she is the sweetest of them all. Umm..and my favourite colour, as per my current condition, that would be anything but white, I like crimson a lot though” and smiled again, thinking of honey…ohh..! Ruby seemed satisfied, may be ‘coz I had answered her Quiz show, now I wanted a prize! A life would do..!
Later, Ruby gossiped a little more and flied somewhere, telling me to be calm and pretend like I’m dead. I dint find that job very difficult. With passage of time, I knew my family must be worried, only then I heard my name once again;”
Webbeeeeee” it was them, it really was
them!! I wondered what to do, to call back and tell them I was here and I had missed them so much, or to follow Ruby’s order, I decided to go with the later, and tried to hide. The voice seemed to come closer and my terror rose in direct proportion, so I tried to hide my face and moved a little; but unfortunately got more messed up in the sticky threads, so again tried to lie quietly and motionlessly. Their voice became low, I felt sad, and gradually it disappeared. I felt a little more messed up than I really was. A tear rolled down my cheeks. I could visualize my good old days at home. Now, my body was numb ‘coz of constant stability on these threads, the only thing that moved was my lips, when I was chatting with Ruby.
While I was lost in my own grief, next minute I heard a cracking sound, I started moving my eyes with curiosity and to my surprise, it was the Egg. Of three, one of them cracked and a cute little bird was breaking the shells around and came out of it; she had big brown eyes and was curiously looking at her mom, the other eggs and her nest. Her mom looked so happy, she was overwhelmed with the joy and she pecked on her baby with her beak, smiled and played with her. It all seemed so beautiful.

Moment of joy was really momentary, when I saw a four-eyed huge brown spider jumping on the rocks, a little away from this web. I stopped breathing, may be I had forgot how to breathe, things happened so suddenly, he jumped on a small web near the rock, I wonder how I missed observing that web, it was at the corner of my eye, there was a someone on it, his prey, entangled badly into the threads, possibly dead already. He injected venom through his midgut into the prey and then sucked the liquefied tissues of the prey into his gut, eventually leaving behind the empty husk of the ……prey. I choked, I was going to be perforated and I was next.
Nicely visualized, story flowing smooth as honey.... keep it up!!
And yes don't make 4th as last part plzz..!
@knn : thnx:)(n well co-related ;)) n yes..i'll try.. :)
Dare if you kill webbee in ur story...x-(
If d story ends against ur viewer’s expectations then, I swear I will become new generation spiderman with a contrary traits of character like serial spider killer
@Vishy: Wow now m getting Open Dhamki in my blog..!! I'll see what i can do as per where the story goes :)
great creative writing or must i say blogging:)....
keep it up!!
Thanx Rossi :)
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