Living beings showcase various kinds of emotions. Anger is one form of emotion. Let’s analyze this emotion. I am not discussing Anger Management Techniques, but just writing about an emotion which is virtually present in everyone, some realize it and some don’t.
Anger is very much natural, sometimes the outcome of hurt and insult, but are “all” natural things good? My point here is, “Is Anger good or is it bad?”
Talking about natural things, poison is natural too, but is it good or is it deadly (as per the definition)? Anger is also like a poison in our heart, which not only hurts us but has the ability to hurt others as well. The psychological process is simple, is someone has hurt you, then, in your anger you want to hurt him back.
It is an emotion present in all of us from childhood, initially as aggression and later anger turning into revenge or in the form of depression (anger turned inwards called as unconscious anger).
For some anger has taken a form of Apathy, like I saw a couple fighting, the girl was screaming at his driving and at his some or the other deed but he was calm all the time, dint feel a thing and later when he realized that she has left him, he started crying. So its anger turned apathy, coming out in the form of sobs.
All I would say is, one should not suppress his/her anger, but not vent it in such a way so that someone else gets hurt, forgive him/her for being a human, a human with aggression.
But again, do not be a doormat that anyone can insult you and you keep mum. A total No, No.
Try to simply cool down and relax and try thinking from other’s point of view, if you are right, you have the right to speak up, but out of controlled emotions and analyzed thoughts.
I would like to conclude by stating “An Eye for an eye shall make the whole world blind”.
I read the following suggestion somewhere, which is pretty cool:
You might want to think of anger as just a lot of hot AIR.
A: Adrenaline.
That initial “rush” in response to an insult is adrenaline. Nothing but adrenaline
I: Identify.
Identify what is really happening, how much of a threat it really is, and why it is happening.
R: Reaction choice.
Choose a reaction that is compassionate and fair, rather than fall headlong into hostility and revenge.
@ Peace
It isnt necessary that we hurt others out of anger.
Say for Example:
You are driving your vehicle and some bike comes rushing towards you from the wrong side and gets away. What do you do?
Give a dirty look, Honk a screeching horn and shout a curse..
Now that is Anger..!
I believe, repulsive behavior is the very noram god gift but those who know how to manage it appropriately with their active thought process and practice, know how to excel in life and relations :)
Few words & my view
"An Eye for an eye shall
make the whole world blind"
is by Gandhiji, I hv respect for him bt I personaly like 'Bhagat Singh'
I hvn't quoted Gandhiji & Bhagat Singh out of context, I wanted to bring ur thoughts regarding their different views on Anger.
Gandhiji has taught to swallow our anger while Bhagat Singh has shown using +ve feedback of anger, 'similar to ur doormat thing'
Both view point deserve equal importance, it will be unfair criticize or appreciate one, as everywhere there is duality good & the bad.
@knn : i am not criticizing or appreciating any concept, all i am trying to say is one should have control over one's anger.
Venting out any and everytime isnt considered good.
Though i donot accept that one should be a social "doormat" such that anyone can walk over them.
'coz if one supresses the anger, it leads to a lot of resentment underneath.
It's better to admit that one's hurt and find out a good way to resolve the issue rather than hurting someone else.
@ peace :)
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