During my school time, having a Computer at home would make the kid the coolest in the class and playing games, watching movies or listening to songs on it was fun and today kids have their own gmail ids and chat accounts, they Google the games they want to play. Basic Computer Education is a subject in the primary classes (even if we had that, we did not learn what they are learning now..!).
Time’s changing and so are we. During my Graduation, all my friends used to be online all night, geeks finding and researching technical updates and non-geeks finding a date.. ;-)
And our Mom used to wonder, what we are doing on the Computer all the time..!
Computers then Laptops and then we started gradually moving to Smart-phones and everything is now on “The Phone”…!
Though the use of Smartphone (till date) is not so widespread, but I saw the news today, that Samsung is launching a new OS to increase its market share, and comparatively on a low price. Already there are multiple players in the market, like Symbian, Android, Research in Motion (RIM) ,iOS etc and there are many more to come by the end of this fiscal year.
Consecutively, smart phone users will increase and hence its use and technocrats would be online 24 by 7. Thats “us” today and what about Gen Y..!!
Go Mobile all the way???
"A shallow thought"
6-7 year back ppl of our gen were afraid of all cybuzz... I can tell u tht my orkut/gmail frnd list didnt grew in month which is case nw, it took whole 3-4 year to stablize.
Whn I tried accessin net through cell ppl thought m geek, bt nw see its routine :)
I'm lovin it..!
True and now when Smartphones are to be launched in the market at low price by one brand, competition would increase and other brands would either launch at lower price range or with Add On features...in all..more benefits for the end-user..
Low price and more benefits => increased purchase => increased Usage of GPRS..
GPRS coverage in India is still not widely developed, with a widespread coverage, it will be All Mobile..!
btw 3G has been launched in
c.g. by our very own bsnl :)
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