Saturday, May 26, 2012

Whats your "H-Factor" ?

The other day, a colleague at work asked me if she looked good after loosing a few inches.
The fact is, I had barely noticed the change in her figure, but I smiled wide and said, 'Oh Yes, you look great!'
She was happy and got back to work and I, umm.. felt contented !

But when close friends ask me a similar question, I simply give an honest answer.
Then, be it appealing to the ears or not.
But amongst them, I noticed that some really want an honest answer and some just don’t!

(Psst.. Some times people also get slapped and kicked for being brutally honest !
Note: NO, I'm not recommending you to be dishonest)

Coming back to the point, my question here is, do you have to keep someone's heart who's not very close to you and make him/her happy and say what you don't really mean?
And what about the one's very close to you? Should you give them your honest opinion or a fake one would do no harm? What are they worthy of?

Concluding with a thought, does keeping people happy, makes you a saint and lying, a sinner?
(Considering people still consider lying as sin) And so, I wonder, if that should nullify it all...

How do we maintain the balance, between honesty and happiness, is there a Win-Win situation for all?
And if you could pick just one either “H”appniness of others or being “H”onest, what would be your H-Factor?

On a lighter note, do you like the song, love the way you lie? ;)

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Although, I don’t make chats public, but these days being public is the trend.
Here is a small chat that happened between Me and my friend (Him: H) today.

H: One thing which I never understood over the years is .... why do ppl friend him on facebook.... wot good does it do to them

Me: No clue! Fun in peeking in others lives, may be!!
U know, human tendency.. When u walk around in ur hostel, n see room to someone's door is open,      u tend to peek in... no intention at all, just to see what’s going on.. and the new name of curiosity is Fb…

H: He is bigger offender than K series producer then :D
      But really earlier very few used to sneak a quick look into other’s rooms..

Me: Well... Then it was not considered 'cool'
        Now, not existing on Fb is called 'uncool'
        So sneaking  is what ppl r asking for!

And just now… U read someone else’s chat ;) 

Just wondering, what good it does to make your life public Or do u prefer to remain Private Or have the best of both worlds?

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Moisturizer, need it?

In our early days we all want to be ‘like’ someone and then we want to be ‘Someone’.  Is there a goal that we have set for ourselves or for the man in the mirror that the world sees?

Are our dreams dreamt for our soul or for the society and if it’s broken, should we be shaken?

I feel ‘Dream’ is just one word, given many names. When we have the will and focus, it becomes our Aim, when we know we want it but cant easily get it, becomes a hope and when some dreams are fallacy it simply becomes a fantasy.

This is a quote I picked up from a TV series, SATC, rather the quote picked me up to think and to write… here it goes:

“That night I started to think about belief. Maybe it’s not even advisable to be an optimist anymore. Maybe pessimism is something we have to apply daily, like moisturizer, otherwise how do you bounce back when reality batters your belief system, and love does not, as promised, conquer all? Is hope a drug we need to go off of, or is it keeping us alive? What’s the harm in believing?”

Friday, May 18, 2012

Y Chromosome- Poem

I happened to read this poem somewhere and liked it.
Disclaimer: This isn't my poem. But a good poem ;) :)
Worth a read..

People talk about love, then they talk about being cursed
They talk about the good, later the bad that they nursed
About that someone who touched them in some way
About that someone who then suddenly went astray

I see people talking about trusting again
About not moving in the wrong lane
About not wanting disrespect nomore
About not being called an X,Y,Z, or a wh**e

I then see people describing the prominence
The submissiveness, the softness, the dominance
Of their beloved, who isn’t there anymore
Is this a game? Who in the world can then predict the score?

“One life isn’t enough” they claim
And all of them feel the same
Who is to blame? Who is wrong?
Who is manipulative? Who actually needs to be strong?

People are poetic, they are articulate
They talk about how it ended for them, what was in their fate
They call their beloved heartless
They blame others for their own mess

People find themselves wishing for more than one life
For having that tad bit extra guts to walk the edge of the knife
For having have it all in one bag
For having it ALL and yet not bothering about the tag

People want to start trusting again
They want to get over the pain
They want to feel what is true
They really want to come out of the blue

I sit back, watch those people talk
Watch those people fall, watch those people walk
Watch how everyone has a different problem to face
Watch how someone can just breach your space

I can’t help but wonder how
So much is said and now
Now that all is said and done
We are still at square one!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Goodness for Sale, any buyers?

When you are a child, you are being taught to be good to people, irrespective that they are good to you or not..

Well, I think I took that lesson pretty seriously, tried to swallow my fury and my words, instead of reciprocation of spiteful words that touched,well, not just my ear. And right now, I think I can swallow an ugly big frog! Gulp ! (Yuk!)

Here, I am just trying to figure out, that even if you are nice to people who are not the same with you, will they ever be slapped by karma or would a miracle happen to them as an eye opener?
Bang !
All the more you think about your deeds and its zero or may be negative outcomes, your goodness acts like a salt over the wound, shouldn't it rather have healing powers?

 The point is, should the good ones continue to be good, forever? Or should they become 'real' in this unreal world and become semi-devil...?