Saturday, May 26, 2012

Whats your "H-Factor" ?

The other day, a colleague at work asked me if she looked good after loosing a few inches.
The fact is, I had barely noticed the change in her figure, but I smiled wide and said, 'Oh Yes, you look great!'
She was happy and got back to work and I, umm.. felt contented !

But when close friends ask me a similar question, I simply give an honest answer.
Then, be it appealing to the ears or not.
But amongst them, I noticed that some really want an honest answer and some just don’t!

(Psst.. Some times people also get slapped and kicked for being brutally honest !
Note: NO, I'm not recommending you to be dishonest)

Coming back to the point, my question here is, do you have to keep someone's heart who's not very close to you and make him/her happy and say what you don't really mean?
And what about the one's very close to you? Should you give them your honest opinion or a fake one would do no harm? What are they worthy of?

Concluding with a thought, does keeping people happy, makes you a saint and lying, a sinner?
(Considering people still consider lying as sin) And so, I wonder, if that should nullify it all...

How do we maintain the balance, between honesty and happiness, is there a Win-Win situation for all?
And if you could pick just one either “H”appniness of others or being “H”onest, what would be your H-Factor?

On a lighter note, do you like the song, love the way you lie? ;)


tanay said...

Well I wud like to b honest rather than keeping d person happy ! Cos wen he/she wud get to know dat I lied , d entire happiness might just vapurise !!

Ajiteja said...

If it is just about maintaining the balance why not to attain both the Happiness as well as the Honesty at the same time......
c'mon man nothing is impossible....
We can make it like this... I actually didnt notice that you have lost any inches but you look fab...;-)